Archive for Martin Luther King Jr.

Thrift Treasures Part VI: Yes We Can!

Posted in Thrift Treasures with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , on February 25, 2009 by Cardboard Icons

2008toppscampaignbarackobamaI had a dream. I had a dream that one day I would walk into a thrift store and find cards so cheaply priced that I would have no choice but to buy them. There would be commons and stars, but they would be mine. Oh yes, they would be mine. I had a dream.

OK, that’s a pathetic attempt at sounding something like Martin Luther King Jr. Hey, forgive me. It’s Black History Month and much of the nation is still in a state of euphoria after electing and swearing in its first Black president. Stay with me, I swear this has something to do with baseball cards.

I returned to work last week after having five weeks off to bond with my newborn daughter and one of the things I like to do during my lunch break or on my way home is to hit up the good ol’ thrift stores. Well, on Monday I not only found cards, but a Cards jersey. Continue reading