I swear, these belong to my sister (Beverly Hills 90210 collection)

Way back when I was getting started in card collecting, my sister decided that she, too, wanted a piece of the hobby. Only she was not a baseball card kind of person. In fact, she once ripped a card in front of my face just to piss me off. Yeah, siblings are awesome!

Anyway, in 1991 she and my mother were addicted to the show Beverly Hills 90210. They watched it every week, and then one day when we went to the card shop — for baseball cards — they noticed Topps made cards for the show.  It was game on for them … well, my sister anyway.

Pack after pack was opened and after a while, my sister had a full set and she placed it in a binder and pretty much forgot about it. Me? Never. We moved quit a bit over the last 20 years or so, each of us living with our father, and then with our significant others. Now we’ve both got kids on the way.

But never did I forget about the Beverly Hills 90210 cards. In fact, I kept them … for a momentous occasion. I suppose that would be today, since it is Sept. 2, 2010.

In this 88 card and 11 sticker set, you’ll see the nonsense that was the early 1990s. The bright colors, the quaffed hair, the ridiculous poses. Can someone tell me why every picture of Brian Austin Green shows him by himself acting like a 12 year old, yet Jason Priestley and Luke Perry are displayed as gods? And what’s with the girls? One image of Tori Spelling looks like she is trying to seduce us.

So it is without further adieu that I bring to you the greatness that is the 1991 Topps Beverly Hills 90210 set.

2 Responses to “I swear, these belong to my sister (Beverly Hills 90210 collection)”

  1. Rox Aguirre Catuna Says:

    Love it! Yes, this was my binder. And yes, I did rip a baseball card to get back at you for something probably dumb.
    But you are right about wanting to mirror my big brother. I noticed the passion you had for those cards and wanted a similar hobby of my own so there you go. Those guys WERE gods, the girls WERE everything teenage girls wanted to be. Mostly though, I just wanted to follow you to the card store and have a purpose of my own πŸ™‚
    too bad they aren’t worth nearly as much as any of your best rookie mint cards πŸ˜‰
    thanks for the ‘article’!! Good old memory lane…

  2. […] out this collection of Beverly Hills 90210 baseball […]

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